By the end of the summer the schoolroom was in shambles. It had become a dumping place for anything that did not have a home.
This year I knew that for us to have a successful year I need to be organized and so did our schoolroom!
Here our a few pics (and some tips) from our schoolroom.

This is my 3rd grader's corner. We were blessed with this desk by a kind stranger. It too, needed some TLC. He also has a bookshelf near. The bookshelves were found on Craigslist for $28 for both! Love a bargain!
These clipboards each hold a weeks worth of lessons. My kids love free days. So, I post 3 weeks of lessons at a time. They are able to see how much work is assigned each day for each subject. They have the option to work ahead if they like (provided they understand the current days lesson and have no corrections) in order to have a free day (mainly Friday {s}).
The timer was my husband's idea and it has worked great so far! There were times in the past where my kids wasted time (la la gagged is the words we use).
They would take way more time than needed to finish a lesson because they were daydreaming, doodling, taking a unnecessary bathroom break, etc.
So, I have allotted a certain amount of minutes (normally 45) for each lesson. They set the time at the beginning of each lesson and whatever work is not completed by the time the timer dings, it is now homework! Homework is to be done after school and normally cuts into the extra curricular time. Guess what?? There has been no homework, so far this school year!
I have a 16 month old, that is too old to stick in a playpen and to young to actually "do" school. So we have a Pre-Pre-school corner set up for him. It keeps his attention long enough for me to assist with questions and teach at least one subject. Then it's nap time for him as they finish up journal or any lessons. Then I finish teaching during a very blessed 2 hour nap!

We have a large low window in the room, and I had been racking my brain on what I should put there!
Well, one day on one of our family walks there was this unusual piece of furniture in a driveway with a FREE sign! It was the perfect height and size! Talk about being blessed! We cleaned it up and put it to good use! It is not the prettiest thing, but for the price and function I will take it! Notice, the shine'y' printer. I had been waiting for a wireless printer to go on sale...$34.99 at Target! I can print from my smart phone!

This is my corner of the room, and this desk is my fav! So, I had been thinking about a workstation for myself that took little space, but still practical. When I thought... a hospital bedside table!
My father-in-law works in the medical field and this treasure was in the trash! He cleaned/oiled it up and viola! It slides out to accommodate more work space and....

I am so happy with the way the schoolroom came together. The kids were all excited about their own spaces and the organization of everything! It made it so calm and easy to get all our work done!