Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Family ART Wall

My kids are forever weighing down our fridge magnets with their latest artwork. I wanted them to be able to display their work in a nice and tidy manner and that is when I came up with our ART wall.

I found clipboards at the local dollar store and we made the A R T letters from items we had around the house.

The A was cut from a cereal box and wrapped with yarn

  The R was made from craft popsicle sticks.

The T was also cut from a cereal box and then my 7 year old made a collage in the T shape with ripped out pieces of a magazine.  I just asked that he use pieces that were brown, yellow, turquoise.

We put up the A R T and 5 clipboards one for each of us (Parents like to doodle too).  All hung up using command strips. My husband is super hesitant of putting holes in the walls,  so command strips have become a close friend.

It turned out better than I expected. The kids love showing off their work and everyone loves admiring each others masterpieces!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It is so wonderful for the kids, and they are able to reap the compliments and praises of visitors! ;)
