Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Zacchaeus, wee little man in the tree

This is my kiddos' third year in AWANA and Bible Character Night is always a favorite. This year my son couldn't decide between the talking donkey, the burning bush, and Zacchaeus.

We went with Zacchaeus.  {Luke 19: 1-10}

We used items we had on hand and this costume cost nothing!
We used the biblical clothing we had made 2 years past. (See Jonah blog post) (Hint: use a scarf or small towel for head covering, and a large towel for robe)

I wanted my son to be able to "put on " the tree. So with a paper grocery bag we made him a vest, which became the base /trunk of the tree.

I had been collecting paper towel rolls for awhile and used about 9 for the branches. I unrolled them loosely, so that they still remained somewhat curled. I then just started stapling the "branches " here and there on the vest,  concentrating in the front around his chest area.
Once the branches were in place, I took our "seaweed " (green plastic tablecloth from the Jonah costume) {you can also use leaves cut out of construction paper}  and cut it up and stapled leaves to the branches.
Next was Zacchaeus' legs. I used a pair of my youngest son 's pants and stuffed them with craft paper,  leaving some hanging out for feet. I used flesh color socks to cover the craft paper feet and stapled the straps of a pair of small sandals to both the sock and craft paper feet.

I used binder clips to clip the legs to my son's clothes. I clipped them near his chest to give the illusion that he was in the tree. When putting on the vest I gently rested the front flaps on the legs and let the branches and leaves cover the binder clips.
The costume was a hit!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bible Character *Noah in the Ark*

Last week I posted our first Bible Character Night at AWANA  2010.

Last year, my son decided he wanted to be Noah. Unfortunately, he decided less than a week before character night. With all our other activities we had about one evening to make the costume.
I grabbed out the trusty biblical clothing and suspenders and a box and with my son's help we came up with Noah in his Ark!

 Noah 2011

My son had an animal coloring book that was put to good use! He colored all the pics that had 2 of each animal, we cut them out and glued them to the boat.

I made the top of the ark by bending a piece of cardboard and stapling the sides to the main part of the ark.
I was so proud of my son, he made most of the ark, other than the major stapling.

My son has been putting a lot of thought into what Bible character he would like to dress up as this year, I am in the process of planning it out! TBA!